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Mobile Deposit FAQs

Mobile Deposit FAQs

What is Mobile Deposit?

Mobile Deposit is a feature of the First Southern Bank Mobile Banking app that allows you to deposit a single check to your checking account by simply taking a picture of the front and back of the check with a camera-enabled iPhone or Android phone.  At this time, Mobile Deposit is available only to our consumer Online and Mobile Banking customers.


What kind of mobile device will work for Mobile Deposit and what are the device requirements?

First Southern Bank’s Mobile Banking app will work with iPhone and Android phone operating systems.  Your phone’s camera must have a resolution of two megapixels or higher and you must have a wireless data plan with your mobile device carrier.


How do I make a deposit?

Log into First Southern Bank’s Mobile Banking app on your phone and select the “Deposits” icon from the Menu, then select the “Deposit a Check” icon.  Next, just take a picture of the front and back of the check, enter the amount of the check, and select the account where the deposit should credit.  If your deposit is successful, you’ll receive a “Deposit Confirmation” message.


Is there a fee for Mobile Deposit?

No! First Southern Bank Mobile Deposit is available to all Mobile Banking users at no charge.


Will I be charged by my wireless carrier for this service?

Your standard wireless carrier charges will apply.


Do I need to endorse the check I’m depositing?

Yes, you are required to endorse the check you are depositing by first placing your signature, then “For Mobile Deposit Only” must be written legibly below your signature.  Although some checks have preprinted verbiage on the back, checking the block by prefilled language is not a sufficient endorsement.


Do I need to use a deposit slip to make a Mobile Deposit?

No.  We will substitute an electronic deposit slip to post the deposit to your account. You will only need to take a picture of the front and back of the check being deposited.


What type of checks can I deposit using Mobile Deposit?

Most checks made payable to you and drawn on a bank within the United States can be deposited through Mobile Deposit.


The Checks listed below will not work with Mobile Deposit:

  • Third-party checks
  • Returned or re-deposited checks
  • “Split” or cash-back deposits
  • U.S. Treasury Checks
  • Money orders
  • Travelers checks
  • Savings bonds
  • Foreign (non-US) checks
  • Insurance drafts


Is there a limit to the dollar amount of the check I’m depositing?

All items deposited via Mobile Deposit are subject to Bank review and/or approval.  Deposits to personal accounts are limited to 3 items with a total deposit of $3,000.00 per day, with a monthly limit of 25 items with a total deposit of $10,000.00 per month.


Do I have to bring the check to the Bank after I submit it for deposit using the Mobile Deposit feature?

No, do not bring the check to the bank after submitting the deposit.  We do recommend you keep the check for 60 days or until you receive your monthly statement to confirm the deposit and then destroy the check securely by shredding it.


How quickly will the deposit show up in my account?

Deposits made before 4:00 p.m. CST Monday through Friday except on Bank holidays will be processed on the business day received.  Deposits made after 4:00 p.m. CST on the days specified above will be processed on the next business day.  However, availability of funds deposited through this Service is subject to the Bank’s Funds Availability Policy provided to you at account opening.  Our general policy is to make funds available to you on the business day we receive your deposit, as defined above.  In some cases, we may delay your ability to withdraw funds beyond the business day we receive your deposit.  Then, the funds will generally be available by the second business day after the day of deposit.  For a specific listing of circumstances that may delay your ability to withdraw funds, refer to our Funds Availability Disclosure Statement provided to you at account opening.


How can I view the checks I have deposited?

Deposited check images can be accessed by selecting the desired check image from the list of transactions for the account on the Mobile Banking app.


Is it easy to take good pictures from a camera phone?

Camera phone users are generally familiar with their device and its camera.  The Mobile Deposit feature has been designed to be simple for the user, but also robust enough to catch errors.  After a user takes images of both the front and back of a check, Mobile Deposit will analyze the images for quality and will provide you with feedback almost immediately.  You will be notified if the images have been submitted successfully and that the transaction is complete.  Alternatively, we may request that you retake the picture because there was a problem reading the check.  For example, you may have not taken a picture of the entire check, or the picture was taken with poor lighting, etc.  You will also receive an email notification.


Can I make a Mobile Deposit to different checking accounts?

Yes, during the Mobile Deposit process you will select from the accounts you requested during enrollment.


Could I use Mobile Deposit from different mobile phones?

Yes, if you have downloaded the First Southern Bank Mobile Banking app to multiple phones, you can enable Mobile Deposit from any of those devices.


How long does it take to upload a deposit?

This will depend on the speed of your connection.  Submit times are usually in the five-to-thirty-second range.


How secure is this service?

Mobile Deposit provides the following security measures: Login and login authorization, encryption of transmitted data, Secure Socket Layer (SSL) connection requirement, and two-factor authentication (unique device signature).  Also, no images you upload through Mobile Deposit are stored to your mobile device.


Who should I call with Mobile Deposit questions?

For assistance with Mobile Deposit, please call Customer Service at 256-718-4200 anytime Monday through Friday from 9:00am to 5:00pm Central Time.


What if I want to add or delete a checking account from Mobile Deposit?

To add or delete an account, you must contact Customer Service.

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